A cup of family, a splash of theology, and a pinch of frugality. Mix until well incorporated.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's a BOY!

We had an ultrasound on Monday and it was clearly determined that our baby is a little boy! :) We are absolutely thrilled to be adding a little blue to our lives (especially Daddy), and it was amazing to see the baby moving all around. Praise the Lord, our baby is doing well, weighing a whole 10 ounces and measuring on track!

His name will be David Isaac Griffin... we had chosen that name as our boy option when we were pregnant with Anna two years ago, but now its meaning is even more dear to us. Both first and middle names are Hebrew, David meaning "Beloved" and Isaac meaning "Laughter." I had read Ecclesiastes 3:4 a few days before learning I was pregnant with David, 

"a time to weep and a time to laugh, 
a time to mourn and a time to dance." 

After almost a year of sorrow, I wrote, "This verse gives me great hope that one day, eventually, maybe even soon, I will be in that laughing, dancing time. And I won't be so quick to take that time for granted after experiencing this weeping, mourning, 'how much longer' time." David Isaac is our Beloved Laughter, our "rainbow baby" after the storm. We still feel the effects of the storm, but we rejoice in this new little life and continue to trust the Lord's goodness in our lives.

But when do we see the magnificient, surprising rainbow? On the fairest of days? No! It takes a storm, it takes rain. But it also scientifically takes light. When do we see the promises of God and His faithfulness to them in our own lives? Not when it is peaceful and serene, but when we are in the midst of clouds. When we have the eyes of faith to turn to the light of Christ during the darkest moments, it is then that the rainbow appears in our life, a visible testimony to us and those around us that God is faithful, even in our tears. Excerpt from The Magnificient, Surprising Rainbow, August, 2011

*The term "rainbow baby" refers to a baby conceived after a loss.


Sara Coplin said...

Beautiful story! To God be the glory. May he grant you both continued strength, joy and laughter throw this time. I love the names and the story behind it. What a precious gift coming your way!

Josh and Sharon said...

So excited with you guys. This brought a tear tiny eye. Can't wait to meet my nephew! Love you!

leslie.kidd said...

How exciting! A boy!! I like your name choice as well!! Hope you are feeling well!