Jesse and I had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend with my parents, who drove up from Vestal to be with us in the North Shore. The weather was perfect after several weeks of dreariness and rain. While my parents were visiting, Jesse found a $10 crib and mattress listed on Craigslist. We inquired about it and went to see it... voila! It's in very good condition and we were able to clean and set it up last night. Now, can't wait for baby!
This morning was a second ultrasound of Small Fry at 13 weeks. The baby is doing well and we got to see him/her wave at us! It's amazing how much the baby has grown since our last ultrasound 5 weeks ago (then, the baby looked like a little bean, now he/she is much more defined). We will keep you updated with any upcoming news. Let us know if you think Small Fry is a boy or girl? We shall find out in August!